Childrens O-festival


Activities you can join:

Meet and greet Inga and Olav. You can also learn how to use a bow and arrow, and to throw an axe. Together with Vinir Viking group, you can make items out of hemp and wool.

All the participants in the children’s orienteering festival will be offered to ride in a horse carriage to the start on Sunday.

Team competition

The team competition consists of 3-5 runners who are registered and run with one Emit chip.

The runners can be between the ages 9 to 13. During the course of one hour, the team will collect as many points as possible. This can be achieved by finding controls (regular orienteering controls with N/C level) and do assignments. If the team uses more than one hour, they will loose points. Be prepared for mud and slippery slopes.

Start: Saturday 2 pm from the children’s festival arena.

Cost: team competiton costs 300 NOK pr team.

Kid’s course

The kid’s course start one hour prior to the main courses both Saturday and Sunday. There will be different courses and terrain each day.

The kid’s course are included in the fee for the children’s o-festival. If you only want to join the kids’s course, and not the children’s o-festival, it costs 30 NOK each day.

Child care

The child care center opens one hour prior to the main start, both Saturday and Sunday. It is open for kids over the age of 2, and it is free.